As a postmenopausal woman, I freely confess that I have not had the opportunity to use one of your products for more than two decades (although I have found your tests stashed away in my daughters’ drawers from time to time) but nevertheless I have a suggestion for you. Instead of having a line system which simply offers the results “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant” could you offer a few more options for your users? You may be brilliant scientists but here’s a little secret for you: The rest of the world does not think simply in binary terms like you do.
We’re complicated . . .anxious . .
.emotive . . .
Let’s think about it, is there another product on the market that has
the power to silently change a woman’s life within ten minutes?
So why don’t you mix it up a little?
How about lines which read “Surprise!”
or “Whew!”? What about a simple “OMG!”, “Thank My Lucky
Stars!”, “Not Again!” or “Told You!!!!” You could even consider adding, “Shucks!” or “Try Harder Next Month!” On second thought, I don’t think either of
those last two would be quite appropriate.
What about some music to coincide with the results? If we can add music to mere greeting cards,
why not a pregnancy test?
Please understand that as women, we use your product for many reasons,
and we await your results with many diverse emotions: hopeful anticipation, trepidation, fear of
failure, denial, or reluctance.
You name it, I’ve been there.
and postmenopausaly