Being the mother of teenagers, I like laws. And a guy named Sir Isaac Newton came up with three of them.
- A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless the body is compelled to change it's state.
- How fast an object moves after it is pushed depends on the force of the push and the mass of the object.
- To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
I'll admit . . . I don't understand the second law for the life of me. . . and I don't think I really care about the third. . . but the first one is my absolute favorite because it's also known as The Law of Inertia.
I'm good at inertia.
I think we all must recognize by now that I needed change in my life - for I've been hopelessly stuck in this Spin Cycle for years. . . crying out for help. . . waiting for others to change their ways. . . expecting someone else to put the brakes on. . . press the stop button. . . bring the madness to a halt, and. . .well. . . start behaving for a change. . .
But I have suddenly/gradually come to the realization that I can be the force that changes my state of being (very Newtonian of me, don't you think?) And so, my friends, I have turned over a new leaf. I have changed course. I am officially a new and improved me.
~Suddenly, because I really must credit Braja's recent post on the "Quality of Life" for stirring me from my inertia.
~Gradually, because I have been traveling down this path without really knowing it for quite a while.
So what, exactly, is this new force that has caused me to change direction (or is scheduled to, just as soon as that book I ordered comes in and I am successful in my quest to get that damn plastic wrapping off of the Spirit Spa c.d. I purchased at Walmart today????)
Contemplative prayer.
Yup! I ordered a book on Centering Prayer - a method of Christian meditation that places a strong emphasis on interior silence.
Interior silence . . . won't that be beautiful???? I ran a test last night after a couple of glasses of wine and it was wonderful! I really could think about nothing!!!! (I just have to be careful that I don't have too many glasses of wine, or the room will start spinning all on its own. . . and that, I surmise, may defeat the purpose altogether. . .)
And in the face of my newfound peace and tranquility, did I work myself into a tizzy this morning as I purged Trigger's bedroom floor of twenty bath towels, one bath math, and eight hand towels????
No, I did not.
And so I'll raise a glass to Braja and Mr. Newton tonight and say. . . Thank you, my friends. . . thank you!
~Suddenly, because I really must credit Braja's recent post on the "Quality of Life" for stirring me from my inertia.
~Gradually, because I have been traveling down this path without really knowing it for quite a while.
So what, exactly, is this new force that has caused me to change direction (or is scheduled to, just as soon as that book I ordered comes in and I am successful in my quest to get that damn plastic wrapping off of the Spirit Spa c.d. I purchased at Walmart today????)
Contemplative prayer.
Yup! I ordered a book on Centering Prayer - a method of Christian meditation that places a strong emphasis on interior silence.
Interior silence . . . won't that be beautiful???? I ran a test last night after a couple of glasses of wine and it was wonderful! I really could think about nothing!!!! (I just have to be careful that I don't have too many glasses of wine, or the room will start spinning all on its own. . . and that, I surmise, may defeat the purpose altogether. . .)
And in the face of my newfound peace and tranquility, did I work myself into a tizzy this morning as I purged Trigger's bedroom floor of twenty bath towels, one bath math, and eight hand towels????
No, I did not.
And so I'll raise a glass to Braja and Mr. Newton tonight and say. . . Thank you, my friends. . . thank you!
Doesn't Mr. Newton look at bit perturbed in that picture??? I think it's from all those planets spinning about him. Take it from me, someone should tell him to lay off the vino and teach him about the interior silence thing. . .